Terms and Conditions
Use of the website is provided by Human Aid Society subject to the following Terms and Conditions:
1. By using this website you are accepting the terms and conditions. They are effective from
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2. Human Aid Society may change these terms and conditions from time to time; your use of
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3. Human Aid Society reserves the right to change the content of the website at any time.
4. Human Aid Society has taken every precaution to make sure the content of this website is
accurate and legally correct at the time of appearance. If you believe the content of any of our
pages is inaccurate please contact us, email info@humanaidsociety.org
5. Human Aid Society accepts no liability for loss or damage, including personal injury,
resulting from use of this website. Human Aid Society makes all reasonable efforts to make
sure malware or viruses are not transmitted from this website, however this cannot be
guaranteed. We recommend that you safeguard your IT equipment before downloading
information and files. Human Aid Society will not accept liability for damage caused by
6. When we provide links to other websites it does not mean that we approve of or endorse the
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7. Please request permission before using our logos or other branded material. We reserve the
right to require our logo to be removed from websites or printed material if it is not in our
8. Our downloadable documents, brochures and web pages are provided for your use. You may
copy or print the information for private purpose including teaching. You may not amend the
content or use it for commercial purposes without Human Aid Societys’ written consent.
9. Images and photos used on this website are the property of Human Aid Society or other
Copyright owners. The may not be reproduced or used without Human Aid Society or the
copyright owner’s written consent.
10. If there is any conflict between these terms and conditions and rules or specific terms of use
relating to specific material then the latter shall prevail.